1 module dmagick.c.statistic;
3 import dmagick.c.draw;
4 import dmagick.c.exception;
5 import dmagick.c.image;
6 import dmagick.c.magickType;
7 import dmagick.c.magickVersion;
9 extern(C)
10 {
11 	struct ChannelStatistics
12 	{
13 		size_t
14 			depth;
16 		static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x664 )
17 		{
18 			double
19 				minima,
20 				maxima,
21 				sum,
22 				sum_squared,
23 				sum_cubed,
24 				sum_fourth_power,
25 				mean,
26 				variance,
27 				standard_deviation,
28 				kurtosis,
29 				skewness;
30 		}
31 		else
32 		{
33 			double
34 				minima,
35 				maxima,
36 				mean,
37 				standard_deviation,
38 				kurtosis,
39 				skewness;
40 		}
42 		static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x690 )
43 		{
44 			double entropy;
45 		}
46 	}
48 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x689 )
49 	{
50 		struct ChannelMoments
51 		{
52 			double[32]
53 				I;
55 			PointInfo
56 				centroid,
57 				ellipse_axis;
59 			double
60 				ellipse_angle,
61 				ellipse_eccentricity,
62 				ellipse_intensity;
63 		}
65 		struct ChannelPerceptualHash
66 		{
67 			double[32]
68 				P,
69 				Q;
70 		}
71 	}
73 	/**
74 	 * Alter channel pixels by evaluating an arithmetic, relational,
75 	 * or logical expression.
76 	 */
77 	enum MagickEvaluateOperator
78 	{
79 		UndefinedEvaluateOperator,      ///
80 		AddEvaluateOperator,            /// Add value to pixels.
81 		AndEvaluateOperator,            /// Binary AND of pixels with value.
82 		DivideEvaluateOperator,         /// Divide pixels by value.
83 		LeftShiftEvaluateOperator,      /// Shift the pixel values left by value bits.
84 		MaxEvaluateOperator,            /// Clip pixels at lower bound value.
85 		MinEvaluateOperator,            /// Clip pixels at upper bound value.
86 		MultiplyEvaluateOperator,       /// Multiply pixels by value.
87 		OrEvaluateOperator,             /// Binary OR of pixels with value.
88 		RightShiftEvaluateOperator,     /// Shift the pixel values right by value bits.
89 		SetEvaluateOperator,            /// Set pixel equal to value.
90 		SubtractEvaluateOperator,       /// Subtract value from pixels.
91 		XorEvaluateOperator,            /// Binary XOR of pixels with value.
92 		PowEvaluateOperator,            /// Raise normalized pixels to the power value.
93 		LogEvaluateOperator,            /// Apply scaled logarithm to normalized pixels.
94 		ThresholdEvaluateOperator,      /// Threshold pixels larger than value.
95 		ThresholdBlackEvaluateOperator, /// Threshold pixels to zero values equal to or below value.
96 		ThresholdWhiteEvaluateOperator, /// Threshold pixels to maximum values above value.
97 		GaussianNoiseEvaluateOperator,       /// 
98 		ImpulseNoiseEvaluateOperator,        /// ditto
99 		LaplacianNoiseEvaluateOperator,      /// ditto
100 		MultiplicativeNoiseEvaluateOperator, /// ditto
101 		PoissonNoiseEvaluateOperator,        /// ditto
102 		UniformNoiseEvaluateOperator,        /// ditto
103 		CosineEvaluateOperator,      /// Apply cosine to pixels with frequency value with 50% bias added.
104 		SineEvaluateOperator,        /// Apply sine to pixels with frequency value with 50% bias added.
105 		AddModulusEvaluateOperator,  /// Add value to pixels modulo QuantumRange.
106 		MeanEvaluateOperator,        /// Add the value and divide by 2.
107 		AbsEvaluateOperator,         /// Add value to pixels and return absolute value.
108 		ExponentialEvaluateOperator, /// base-e exponential function.
109 		MedianEvaluateOperator,      /// Choose the median value from an image sequence.
110 		SumEvaluateOperator,         /// Add value to pixels.
111 		RootMeanSquareEvaluateOperator /// 
112 	}
114 	/**
115 	 * Apply a function to channel values.
116 	 * 
117 	 * See_Also: $(XREF Image, functionImage).
118 	 */
119 	enum MagickFunction
120 	{
121 		UndefinedFunction,  ///
122 		PolynomialFunction, /// ditto
123 		SinusoidFunction,   /// ditto
124 		ArcsinFunction,     /// ditto
125 		ArctanFunction      /// ditto
126 	}
128 	version(D_Ddoc)
129 	{
130 		/**
131 		 * The statistic method to apply.
132 		 */
133 		enum StatisticType
134 		{
135 			UndefinedStatistic, /// 
136 			GradientStatistic,  /// Maximum difference in area.
137 			MaximumStatistic,   /// Maximum value per channel in neighborhood.
138 			MeanStatistic,      /// Average value per channel in neighborhood.
139 			MedianStatistic,    /// Median value per channel in neighborhood.
140 			MinimumStatistic,   /// Minimum value per channel in neighborhood.
141 			ModeStatistic,      /// Mode (most frequent) value per channel in neighborhood.
142 			NonpeakStatistic,   /// Value just before or after the median value per channel in neighborhood.
143 			StandardDeviationStatistic,  /// 
144 			RootMeanSquareStatistic      ///
145 		}
146 	}
147 	else
148 	{
149 		mixin(
150 		{
151 			string types = "enum StatisticType
152 			{
153 				UndefinedStatistic,";
155 				static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x670 )
156 				{
157 					types ~= "GradientStatistic,";
158 				}
160 				types ~= "
161 				MaximumStatistic,
162 				MeanStatistic,
163 				MedianStatistic,
164 				MinimumStatistic,
165 				ModeStatistic,
166 				NonpeakStatistic,";
168 				static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x670 )
169 				{
170 					types ~= "StandardDeviationStatistic,";
171 				}
173 				static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x690 )
174 				{
175 					types ~= "RootMeanSquareStatistic,";
176 				}
178 				types ~= "
179 			}";
181 			return types;
182 		}());
183 	}
185 	ChannelStatistics* GetImageChannelStatistics(const(Image)*, ExceptionInfo*);
187 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x689 )
188 	{
189 		ChannelMoments* GetImageChannelMoments(const(Image)*, ExceptionInfo*);
191 		ChannelPerceptualHash* GetImageChannelPerceptualHash(const(Image)*, ExceptionInfo*);
192 	}
194 	static if ( MagickLibVersion < 0x661 )
195 	{
196 		Image* AverageImages(const(Image)*, ExceptionInfo*);
197 	}
199 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x661 )
200 	{
201 		Image* EvaluateImages(const(Image)*, const MagickEvaluateOperator, ExceptionInfo*);
202 	}
204 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x681 )
205 	{
206 		Image* PolynomialImage(const(Image)*, const size_t, const(double)*, ExceptionInfo*);
207 		Image* PolynomialImageChannel(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, const size_t, const(double)*, ExceptionInfo*);
208 	}
210 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x669 )
211 	{
212 		Image* StatisticImage(const(Image)*, const StatisticType, const size_t, const size_t, ExceptionInfo*);
213 		Image* StatisticImageChannel(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, const StatisticType, const size_t, const size_t, ExceptionInfo*);
214 	}
216 	MagickBooleanType EvaluateImage(Image*, const MagickEvaluateOperator, const double, ExceptionInfo*);
217 	MagickBooleanType EvaluateImageChannel(Image*, const ChannelType, const MagickEvaluateOperator, const double, ExceptionInfo*);
218 	MagickBooleanType FunctionImage(Image*, const MagickFunction, const size_t, const(double)*, ExceptionInfo*);
219 	MagickBooleanType FunctionImageChannel(Image*, const ChannelType, const MagickFunction, const size_t, const(double)*, ExceptionInfo*);
221 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x690 )
222 	{
223 		MagickBooleanType GetImageChannelEntropy(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
224 	}
226 	MagickBooleanType GetImageChannelExtrema(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, size_t*, size_t*, ExceptionInfo*);
227 	MagickBooleanType GetImageChannelMean(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, double*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
228 	MagickBooleanType GetImageChannelKurtosis(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, double*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
229 	MagickBooleanType GetImageChannelRange(const(Image)*, const ChannelType, double*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
231 	static if ( MagickLibVersion >= 0x690 )
232 	{
233 		MagickBooleanType GetImageEntropy(const(Image)*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
234 	}
236 	MagickBooleanType GetImageExtrema(const(Image)*, size_t*, size_t*, ExceptionInfo*);
237 	MagickBooleanType GetImageMean(const(Image)*, double*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
238 	MagickBooleanType GetImageKurtosis(const(Image)*, double*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
239 	MagickBooleanType GetImageRange(const(Image)*, double*, double*, ExceptionInfo*);
240 }